Monday, February 7, 2011

Journal #5: We Are the Champions

Monday, February 7th, in the year of Our Lord 2011

I don' think I'll take another weekend off again.  Working out today was terrible.  I hurt...all over.  It didn't help that I couldn't keep a steady pace on the elliptical because none of my music had a consistent beat.  I went from Rihanna to Kings of Leon and nearly killed myself  re-adjusting my strides. 

Re-adjust my strides?  More like re-adjust my...never mind...just keep reading, please.

But on a more positive note, biking for a half hour has really helped with my extracurricular reading list.  Oh my poor, poor Nook.  I haven't touched it in weeks and I can hear it crying out to me every time I look at it on my desk.  It just looks so sad sitting there, its dark screen waiting for me to load up a new novel with exciting characters for it to read out loud to me.  Wait for me, my dearest electronic reader!  I shan't be too long from withholding myself from your leather-bound goodness! [A/N: I just finished watching a Jane Austen movie (Sense and Sensibility, thank you for asking) and I am in a Ye Olde English kind of mood.  Forgive me and my odd perverseness for the arts.] I feel like I'm cheating on my Nook by reading a regular book, but I'm almost done with "The Bucolic Plague". 

The "other" woman...

While working out, I got to relive one of the greatest nights of my life: the Superbowl highlights reel on SportsCenter.


The hour-long show was filled with nothing but the glorious images of the Packers curbstomping the Pittsburgh Steelers, 31-25.
Do you honestly expect any less from them?

If Big Ben hadn't thrown so many turnovers, I honestly believe we wouldn't have won the game.  There were no interceptions, which was both odd and great.  We lost some key players in the first half: Charles Woodson (broken collarbone) [A/N: What a trooper.  He was interviewed after the game, saying he broke down in the locker room.  But he pulled himself together and cheered on his team, unlike another key player who just sat on the bench and pouted like someone just took his lollipop away from him.]

Donald Driver left in the first half, his ankle in a brace for the rest of the second half.  Aaron Rodgers was a goddamn machine and as always, Clay Matthews was a beast [A/N: A BEAST!].
Both Greg Jennings and Jordy Nelson deserve their own personal MVP awards, because they carried the team and game on their backs, both scoring the touchdowns for the entire game.  I have a personal grudge with Mr. Jennings and was given shit for it last night.  Note to self: Don't rant about football players while watching a game with fraternity boys.  I have never understood why people like Jennings so much.  He always seems to mess up a play every single time, making me see red.  But then there's "The Play", where he performs a miracle even Jesus himself wouldn't commit and I'm all but humping the television out of sheer happiness and delight.  Jordy Nelson is the same, but I can't hate him when his nickname on the team is Sea Biscuit.  Or the Hick from the Sticks.  He's adorable.  [A/N: Some die-hard fan out there is groaning at my use of the term "adorable" while discussing football.  SUE ME, I'M A WOMAN.  I HAVE NEEDS.]
Running straight into my heart.

In the end, it was pure and utter pandemonium in the streets of Green Bay [A/N: I've seen pictures, people.  It was like Jesus appeared...right on the steps of Lambeau Field] and the Steelers' fans have lost what remaining faith and respect they had in Roethlisberger.

Halftime blew a big one.  The Black Eyed Peas were horrific, if I say so myself.  The best part?  WHEN IT ENDED.  Oh my God, when Slash came out and started playing, I nearly crapped myself.  And then nearly threw up when Fergie butchered "Sweet Child O' Mine".  YOU DON'T MESS WITH THAT SONG, FERGIE. [A/N: You also don't mess with the Zohan either...]
"What do I do with it?  Do I sing into it?  Eat it?  I'M GOD DAMN FERGIE.
Your opinions on the commercials?  Yea, I agree wholeheartedly.  I liked the Doritos and E-Trade baby ones, even some of the Pepsi Max commercials made me snort.

Well, now that the season is over, the boys will have to work extra hard to live up to the expectations they have now reached.  A 6th seed team winning the Super Bowl?  Unheard of.  We were lucky enough to even make it through playoffs [A/N: Anyone remember last year?  Yeesh.  I still get the shivers thinking about it].  This is a historic moment, just like the first man walking on the moon, the first space shuttle mission, McDonald's bringing back the McRib (an abomination in taste, but I still respect it).

So as the limelight dims over the lucky boys of the Green Bay Packers, I finish this blog post with the prospect of getting up at 6:00 in the morning to go swimming and attend class, knowing that the entire time I'm studying, I could be getting stinking drunk at the Homecoming parade.  What a conundrum.

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