Wednesday, February 2, 2011


It all started because my roommate got bored and turned on the TV.  She could've done something productive, oh I don't know, read a book or crocheted another cat blanket.  Something.  But no...she turned on the TV and found the show Heavy on A&E and became utterly engrossed in it.  I came into the room, I had been drooling over Colin Firth in "Bridget Jones' Diary" and was ready to enjoy some pretty epic dreams when I noticed what was on and the look on Brooke's face.

Me: "Uh, what are you watching?"
Brooke: "Heavy.  I came up with an idea."
*At this point in time, I became nervous.  She had a glint in her eye as she crocheted yet another row in her never-ending scarf.*

We delved into a conversation about obesity and how we'd like to actually benefit from our year-long membership to the Allen Center.  Brooke outlined what we have now entitled the "Exercise Challenge".  (Nothing good comes from something that ends in "Challenge".)  We've decided to have the entire month of February be our guinea pig for this challenge.  Good God, we even drafted a contract, which we signed and dated (it was late and we were on a roll, people.)

The rules, thus far:
1) Points (yes, points) are awarded for every 30-minute interval that the participant (i.e. Brooke and myself) work out each day
2) You have to be honest, or you lose a point (just like in school!)
3) At the end of the month, the poor bastard who didn't do diddly-shit has to pay for the winner's delicious ice cream treat at the ever-so wonderful Coldstone Creamery

It's been two days and I'm starting to regret that I signed the contract in Sharpie.

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