Monday, March 7, 2011

I hate you too, Internet Explorer

Monday, March 7th, in the year of Our Lord 2011

4 things right off the bat:

1) I had a complete blog post ready to publish and Internet Explorer decided to be a dick and "stop working."  Blogger is also a douchebag for not saving shit.  So...I'm going to start over.

2) My hallway smells like Hormel Chilli farts.  I don't know why it does.  The smell is horrendous and I'm debating whether or not to go out and investigate the precise source of the stench.  But that would be a little weird, since I'm in my pajamas and no one on my floor really knows who I am.

3) A frozen dinner almost ended my life tonight.  I kid you not.  Do not attempt at eating anything under the brand name of Michelina's.  I'm warning you right here and now that they wouldn't serve that shit to inmates at San Quentin.  I've seen enough "Lock Up" on MSNBC to know that prison food is downright disgusting, but the Wheels 'n' Cheese (oh-so Italian) from this company smells like Satan shat in a box.  I microwaved this so-called "food product" and licked the fork after stirring around the cheese and noodles and proceeded to dry-heave into the trash for a good 5 minutes.

4) Fuck you if you don't think PB&J isn't the greatest sandwich you'll ever shove in your mouth.  If you hate this sandwich, you obviously hate America and should be exiled immediately.  Leave the country with your head hung low and midgets kicking your ankles (I'd say shins, but they can't reach) while screeching "PB&J RULES!  PB&J RULES!" I only bring this up because I made a sandwich earlier for dinner (I needed something to get rid of the taste of Satan's asshole)

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