Wednesday, March 9, 2011

"Did we give up when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!"

Wednesday, March 9th, in the Year of Our Lord 2011

It was sunny this morning in my room when I opened my eyes.  My little heart was all a-flutter as I thought about the blue skies, the birds chirping, children skipping down the sidewalk while their chubby little puppies ran after them, yipping and barking at the flowers that lined the streets.  Life was good again.  I was a walking, talking Disney movie.  If I had opened my mouth, I swear some sort of Alan Menken medley would pour out and squirrels and sparrows would help me get dressed for the day. 

Bitches be lazy!

Then I opened the curtains.  My morning fantasy quickly turned from Disney to that scene from "The Shining."

"Why did I move here?!  WAS IT FOR THE CHEESE?!

My once snow-free sidewalks were now PACKED with snow!  There were no children skipping with fat puppies frolicking behind them.  If there were, they probably escaped from the elementary school down the block from me.  The skies were not blue, but a dingy gray.  Any birds left over from the fall migration were probably retarded and the flock was better off without them (Viva la natural selection!).  I did open my mouth and no peppy Alan Menken song flowed out, only this:

Me:  "What're fucking kidding me, right?"

Yep, this is exactly what I like to see in the morning.

Because I was pissed off, I decided to forgo my shower in protest.  Take that, weather!  That wasn't the real reason though.  I planned on working out in the afternoon, so taking a shower in the morning didn't seem that smart if I was only going to shower just a few short hours later. 

Now...if THIS was in my shower this morning,
this blog would be taking a complete 180 degree turn.

I slipped and slid my way to my only class of the day, Research Methods in Psychology.  I adore that class.  It could be my professor, who is only 5 years older than me, that leads a very active social life ("For the record, I'm going out drinking this weekend, so no...your tests will not be graded for Monday.  I plan on forgetting my own name by 8 p.m. on Friday." -Actual quote from a few weeks ago) and enjoys her hobby of subversive cross-stitching.

I have found my newest obsession.

I was planning on working out right after lunch, but I got sidetracked by German homework.  And by German homework, I mean studying for the test I have tomorrow morning [A/N: At this point in time, you can obviously tell which won top priority...].  My professor was kind enough to send me links to this website called Quizlet, that had "flashcards" of the German vocab words we need to know.  I was swearing loudly when I saw that I had 50 words to memorize.  Then I clicked the other link.  127?!  ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!  I HAVE TO REMEMBER 177 WORDS FOR TOMORROW?!  Germans, you're fucking nuts!

The Hoff is who you want to symbolize your impending freedom for the rest of history?
Okay, whatever.  You guys ARE fucking nuts.

Halfway through making flashcards, I began mumbling incoherently in both German and English.  When I go bilingual, there's no coming back.  I'm a goner.  But I've discovered that when I'm pissed off about German homework, I actually speak better in that language. 

"Oh, what the Podolski!  I'm going to Schweinsteiger someone's mother soon!"
(For those not familiar with German National Soccer, Lukas Podolski is on the left, Bastian Schweinsteiger on the right.
Fun Fact:  Schweinsteiger in English is actually "pig mounter".)

I decided that it'd be safer to work my frustration out on a poor elliptical rather than going all-out Prince Harry on my roommate.

Anybody else watching his brother's wedding on April 11th?  Yea, me too.

I did an iTunes overhaul the other night and it was beautiful.  I performed my own intervention and deleted all my Glee from my computer.  I feel like I can breathe easier.  Now I have Cake.  I love Cake.  No, seriously.  Nothing gets my blood pumping and makes me feel sweet when I walk to class than listening to this song:

Ahh.  I feel an overwhelming sense of...badassness when that song comes on. 

And if you say you don't like The White Stripes, I know you're a dirty, dirty liar.  Jack White is FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC and you obviously hate music altogether. 

And...I'm dead.

I hit up the elliptical, apparently entering an unknown race with the chick next to me.  We both started at the same time and every time I sped up, so did she.  Thinking coincidence, I slowed down.  And she slowed down right after.  Thighs screaming at me, I booked it.  I looked over, expecting her to be doing her own thing.  Why wasn't I surprised when I saw her speed was exactly like mine.  I waited to get her attention and mouthed, "What the hell?"  She shrugged her shoulders, strides in time with mine.  Creeped out, I tried to finish my half-hour run quickly.  Which is damn near impossible...since I was going to run for a half-hour anyway.  I DIGRESS.  I had to watch Oprah and one of the gay guys from Queer Eye talk about wedding dresses because that was the only remotely interesting show on at the time.

Am I the only one in America who misses this show with a fiery passion?

I ended up finishing my workout on the exercise bike, playing Bejewled like a boss.

And I ended this night on a good note.  The theater at the University Center on campus was showing "Tangled" at 7.  Guess who, and nearly 150 other college students, attended and laughed their asses off?  This is one of my favorite things to do on campus.  I love going to Disney or any PG movies being shown and seeing what parts make people laugh the hardest.  The best quote of the night came from the guy sitting next to me and my friend Haley.

Random guy with bunch of girls:  "Holy shit.  This movie is so fucking funny!"

Flynn Rider, I'm strangely attracted to you.

Okay, I had to add this one.  I'm dying.
I'm going to finish this post like usual.  Yep, you guessed it: I'm going swimming in the morning.  I'll probably be cranky all day.  Then I'll blog about being cranky.  Brace yourself.

Sorry!  I had to do this last one!  AHHHHHH!

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